ASE Brand Image Film 2023|日月光半導體ESG形象片
ASE, the leading global brand in semiconductor packaging and testing services, has been advancing innovation with semiconductor packaging and testing technologies and setting industry standards in environmental conservation and resource sustainability. The brand image video presented in 2023 sets itself apart from the visual tonality of locality and simplicity as it was. With“Transformation into the Light of Sun and Moon” as the creative statement, we probe into the technology intrinsic in the brand, fused with humanity, to communicate the forward-looking character embedded in the brand's genes as a technology brand that leads to the future living.
In the brand image video, the light as the brand's symbol traverses the wafer city, natural environment, future living, and many more varied areas, shedding light on ASE’s abundant fruits of success in technical innovation, environmental sustainability, and future technology. The visual transition from the micro to the macro level and the background tune shift from warmth to brilliance sheds light on the self-assured vision of ASE as a loyal partner in the industry that dares to create the future collectively.

為擴大永續品牌溝通,我們與日月光半導體、資誠永續發展服務公司(PwC Taiwan)共同合作,透過動態影像與視覺美學結合,溝通科技產業前瞻願景,讓企業永續報告跳脫既有框架,不囿限於「投資人關係」(IR, Investor Relations),它更成為公眾溝通(PR, Public Relations)的傳播利器。同時我們讓品牌內容傳遞從數位跨越進實體,日月光2023年品牌形象年曆將永續意識環繞合作夥伴的日常每一天,以溫柔的方式達成供應鏈永續溝通。
The global net-zero carbon emissions vision for 2050 is imminent, and leading brands in various industries are strengthening their communication efforts with stakeholders such as supply chains and consumers. In order to make information communication more effective and enhance brand influence, we have expanded beyond the traditional format of ESG sustainability reports, which were previously limited to written documents. Now, they can also take the form of motion graphics, allowing sustainability reports to go beyond the confines of investor relations (IR) and become a powerful tool for public relations (PR) communication.At the same time, we have bridged the gap between digital and physical realms in delivering branded content. The 2023 ASE brand calendar embraces sustainability consciousness and intertwines it with the daily lives of industry partners, gently achieving sustainable communication throughout the supply chain.

客戶 Client:日月光半導體 ASE Group
永續顧問 Strategy Consultant:資誠永續發展服務公司 PwC Taiwan
設計與創意統籌 Design Agency:白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
專案經理 Project Manager:何若樸 Philip Ho
永續顧問 Strategy Consultant:資誠永續發展服務公司 PwC Taiwan
設計與創意統籌 Design Agency:白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
專案經理 Project Manager:何若樸 Philip Ho
創意 Creative:石曦璇 Xi Shih、曾傑 Jesse Tseng
藝術總監 Art Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
主設計師 Design Lead:石曦璇 Xi Shih
分鏡設計 Storyboard:石曦璇 Xi Shih
文案 Copywriter:曾傑 Jesse Tseng
美術設定 Styleframe:CLIFFS STUDIO (張智斌 Ben Cheong、林狄嵐 Greta lam)、陳禹盛 Yuson Chen
動態設計 Motion design:CLIFFS STUDIO (張智斌 Ben Cheong、李海銘 LEI HOI MENG、林狄嵐 Greta lam)、陳禹盛 Yuson Chen
合成 Compositing:CLIFFS STUDIO (張智斌 Ben Cheong) 、陳禹盛 Yuson Chen
聲音製作 Music & Sound Design Production:質地有聲製樂所 Audio Textural
動態設計 Motion Graphics Design:許凱鈞 KhooKG
字體設計 Typography Design: 莊騰翔 Teng Hsiang CHUANG