2010 年臺灣縣市改制,臺中、臺南、高雄都是 縣市合併,只有臺北縣單獨升格為直轄市,開啟 獨 特 的 「 新 北 經 驗 」。 八 年 來 , 這 個 城 市 的 最 大 挑戰,就是如何在這片昔日臺北的邊陲,打造 出功能完整,擁有自身主體性的都會帶。
新北 Beats 特展,紀錄新北這個新城市的「心 跳聲」⸺其回顧這八年來,新北城市結構轉 型的策略,以及市民生活方方面面的創新。我 們希望透過對這些「以創新翻轉城市」實踐智 慧的提煉,與市民分享,也與國內外參與城市 治理的夥伴對話。
展覽分為兩館:A館「城市轉型 X 公民參與」 用地理資訊與數據圖表,勾勒「城市尺度」的 結構轉型;該館也邀請訪客參與城市模擬遊戲, 思考城市地景變遷背後涉及的行動角色與社會 過程。
B館「市民生活X服務創新」則回到「人的尺 度」,以人從小到老的生命階段為軸,用藝術 化的情境體驗搭配紀錄短片,點出新北別出心 裁的政策創新。
新北 Beats 從「新北經驗」擷取值得擴散的觀 念;而傳播的關鍵,是每一個好奇而願意思索 分享的你。
What characterise the New Taipei City?
The 2010 reform of administrative zoning in Taiwan granted the statues of “special multiplicities” to four divisions. Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung all had their original city and county merged to form a larger multiplicity. The only exception was the former Taipei county, which was “upgraded” to this new status without incorporating its geographical core, the Taipei city.
This newly upgraded multiplicity was named the “New Taipei City” (NTPC) and it marked the beginning of the unique “New Taipei experience”. The greatest challenge for this newly established city was to construct its own subjectivity with full-fledged urban functionalities, out of a circle-belt of territory which was once the subordinate peripheries of the Taipei City.
This exhibition “New Taipei Beats” is designed to record the heart beats of the new city. It traces its strategies for driving the structural transformation of the city, and reviews innovations attempted to improve its citizens’ life. We want to share our experiences and distilled wisdom with our citizens, and to engage in dialogue with urban planners and city-policy designers worldwide.
The exhibition has two pavilions: Pavilion A “City Transformation x Citizen Participation” depicts “city-scale” transformations with GIS mapping and infographic displays. This venue also invite all visitors to participate in a game of city landscape construction, which is expected to reflect the complicated social process among multiple agent-roles behind the scene.
Pavilion B “Citizen Life x Service Innovations” focus on “human-scale” policy innovations designed to serve our citizens at different stages of their life. Through artistically reconstructed experience, this pavilion aims to invite more awareness of the rationale and concerns behind these policy initiatives.
“New Taipei Beats” extracted ideas worth spreading from our experience; and the key to their dispersion is every visitor who is curious and willing to share.
整體設計統籌:奧茲品牌策展有限公司 Ozzie Curating
策展人:SU MIN 蘇民
展覽設計:群眾自造 Netizen Productions
策展人:Ozzie SU 蘇仰志
主視覺設計統籌/展場設計:Jimmy Chuang 莊騰翔
展場設計/監製:Evan Gong 龔羿帆
專案製管:Julia Huang 黃翊欣
花藝裝置設計:鹿森林 實驗花廊
特別感謝:Skill for U
展場攝影:Shane Liu 劉書銓
形象片:野人設計 Wild design studio